Wednesday, November 15, 2023

( via / via )

My files shuffle themselves.

"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. And it is extraordinary to notice how few people in the modern world can argue. That is why there are so many quarrels, breaking out again and again, and never coming to any natural end." --@GKCdaily

And the living is easy.


O world, thou art the form, the name, the symbol of my weariness:
But, older than thy drooling god, mine ennui had its prime abode
Potential in the fathomless, foreshaping yawn of night and flame.

O world, thou shalt abide and be, for some brief travail of the sun,
The form and name of my distress, an image of the weariness
That shall survive thy kalpas done, the doom that is eternity."

--Clark Ashton Smith

Subway (Epilogue).

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