" 'Democracy Dies in Darkness' is kinda like 'Don't Be Evil' as a slogan. It's a bit worrying when you choose it, but it's a lot more worrying when you take it down" --@grayathena.bsky.social
bardic grimoary & notions
like a soap op'ra
i lose the thread to:
someone else’s dying
far from me
the way other weather is far
We live in the ✨ world of tomorrow ✨. (via @tomtomorrow.bsky.social)
“All our humiliations come from the fact that we cannot bring ourselves to die of hunger.” –E M Cioran, A Short History of Decay (1949; tr R Howard 1975)
"Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk which ought to crawl." --@lastpositivist.bsky.social
pangolin of the spreadsheet
old timer's tick-tock
orchid pact-trunk
gastroliths of glisk
pyres i peregrinate
look putrid
where nenuphars are nesh
to the spreadsheet pangolin
St Michael's tower peeping out.
The Story Behind the 13-Year-Old “New Yorker” Cartoon That Defines Our Climate Moment.
"The Clown Punished
Eyes, lakes with my simple drunkenness reborn
Other than the troubadour who evoked the gesture
As with a quill, of oil lamps’ ignoble smoke
I pierced a window in the linen wall
From my leg and arms clear treacherous swimmer
In increasing leaps and bounds, denying the bad
Hamlet! It’s as if in the wave I invented
A thousand sepulchers for it, virgin, to disappear
Hilarious gold of a cymbal with angry fists
Suddenly the sun strikes the nudity
That exhaled my pure freshness of mother-of-pearl
When you passed over me, stale night of the skin
Not knowing, ingrate! that it was all my consecration
This rouge drowned in the water of faithless glaciers
-- Jim Hanson's MallarmΓ© (07/31/08 )
The almost lost remains of Garlies Castle.
"I had my first thrilling thought in Philadelphia," Lynch once told Loud & Quiet. "Philadelphia, more than any filmmaker, influenced me. It's the sickest, most corrupt, decaying, fear-ridden city imaginable. I was very poor and living in bad areas. I felt like I was constantly in danger. But it was so fantastic at the same time." (via)
I didn't watch any television from the end of Mπππ¦ Hπππ‘πππ x2 (1977) until Tπ€ππ Pππππ started (1990). Since i didn't have my own set, i rode a bus half a mile to my parents' house once a week just to watch it.
"The Monet Conundrum
Is evey one of these poems
different from the others
he asked himself,
as the rain quieted down,
or are they all the same poem,
haystack after haystack
at different times of day,
different shadows and shades of hay?"
--Billy Collins
siren in the night
splits the microwave's soft hum
& you knew omens
the senselessness of this earth,
our need to steer upon it
"I discovered that if one looks a little closer at this beautiful world, there are always red ants underneath."
--David Lynch
Whatever happened to the Church of Anarchy?
"a freezing wind
the parrots alight
a bottle of sake"
Gilead, Gilead Lite · residual snow
in the places where there's shade
the light gilds our · gridlocked dreariness
inside each sad house a screen
ah Gilead last wrench · of the relaunched monster
the devastated city acrawl
Cuarto Oscuro. (via @wendyo.bsky.social)
"The same dudes who fetishize the supposed lost strength and competence of their forefathers want computers to write their emails for them." --@kibblesmith.com via @aestallings.bsky.social
"rolling gargoyle"
iceberg masque in Usk
answerless enhancement
words emptied by winds
wassailing throb goblet
melt icebergs amerce
mincemeat in a dense fog
this parking lot's lurk
lurid with the curefail
"It’s like, what would Herblock do?"
"From then on, the idea of the new town as a point of tension – new versus old, planned versus organic, urban versus rural – would be played out on film, consciously or otherwise, time and again." (via @regretteruane.bsky.social)
to the cold dawn
prank confessor
fur dancer
blank anodyne
to the cold dawn
A Fish King Has Caught a Hoopoe and Is Full of Joy.
" 'My seeds will not grow,' said Toad.
'You are shouting too much,' said Frog, 'These poor seeds are afraid to grow.' " --@frogandtoadbot.bsky.social
"fireflies dividing the night by zero"
--David McKee in Password
"The Writing in Blood
The fist of the world closes.
The bloody gift is given
And the wound widens;
History unspirals and
The fingerprints of death
Dig deep.
Fury and destruction;
Defilement and fire;
The only victory is for
Life’s devourer.
The child of humiliation is horror.
Who has forgotten this?
The olive trees are felled;
The spring of life is spoiled.
We endure on the edge
Of despair.
Meanwhile, in murder,
The fist spells out the future.
Blood, it writes.
Bring me more."
--Tom Hirons in Clarion
"dirge for the American Empire"
an unkindness of azure
elsewhere beams ugly-derne
Grob's Attack the sole chess
astrolabe-found Rodan
"Shows that funny, which bear up under repeated viewings, are as rare as two-headed snakes."
"Frog and Toad sat on the porch, feeling sad together." --@frogandtoadbot.bsky.social
deep in the mist
listening to snow"
the days grow longer but the nights grow longer still
The Queen of Spades (1949). ☆☆☆☆
"drinking Fresca on the precipice"
chesspiece parsed in wood
perfect weight & gateway
cobwebbed now coigns rob
of coming here deerlike
out of the erg fog
" 'Can you think of an average person?'
'Well, I would rather not think of one,' said Ursula.
'Most people must be average,' said Catherine, 'or there would not be such a thing.'
'Well, let us hope there is not,' said her sister."
"It is the season of suicide and divorce and prickly dread, wherever the wind blows."
"the holes in the wall
they look very important
a white moth"
indigo source ice
answers wistful discharge
cerulean crash wrench
roster holocaust crisp
indigo warp waned
of wiry snap firestorms
persuaded this sward's
swagfest in the dragnet
Karnak filmed when firn
festoons all the rescues
i walk between twerk
& twisterscape tryst-shrug
attenuated toys
we rejoin the jungle
we are tired & juiceless
Ucalegon kindled
leet-day long past claiming
The Finn Juhl Chamber at the United Nations Headquarters.
"throwing rice at weddings is bad for the birds and that’s why i throw rocks" --@sixfeetofcandy.bsky.social
"selling the house
we quietly unmark
the pets’ graves”
–William Keckler in Modern Haiku 51.3
The Girl Hunters (1963). [free to register] ☆☆
“The Internet causes village idiots to form entire villages made up only of village idiots who have no idea they are village idiots”
--Vlad Vexler (via @joycecaroloates)
“ ‘It is a pity that we have to know so much,’ said Terence. 'I often feel that I cannot sustain the weight of my knowledge. And with every day it gets worse.’ ” --Elders & Betters
“Night Wind
All through the dark the wind looks
for the grief it belongs to
but there was no place
for that any more
I have looked too
and seen only the nameless hunger
watching us out of the stars
and the black fields”
–W S Merwin
"I excerpt the conclusion of Pierre Boulez’s infamous elegy to Schoenberg below..."
“Faith upon the Waters
A ghost rose when the waves rose,
When the waves sank stood columnwise
And broken: archaic is
The spirituality of sea,
Water haunted by an imagination
Like fire previously.
More ghost when no ghost,
When the waves explain
Eye to the eye…
And dolphins tease,
And the ventriloquist gulls,
Their angular three-element cries…
Fancy ages.
A death-bed restlessness inflames the mind
And a warm mist attacks the face
With mortal premonition.”
–Laura (Riding) Jackson
Just jumped to the top of my time-travel bucket list.
"Behold! here's nothing but sad mourning lines,
So that my verse agreeth with his times."
--1672 Ovid
ignoble spectacle
spastic the whirligig
out of the pentacle
enter devout floatpig
Modern Japanese Fiction in English Translation.
"Or spotted plush of panthers from the boughs
Of lush primeval forests..."
--J Stanyan Bigg
"DiValo decided to let Wolf Gladish fry a little in his own money-hungry juices before telling him that where there was a legerdemainist in the picture, the war was never lost! So he held mutual post-mortem condolences with the other." --@harryskeeler.bsky.social
a gracile calcic acreage, regal, irreal, elegiac, clear—
eerie icicle cellarage,
glare carrier,
lilac relic:
all ice,
all age
all lag"
--Luke Bradford in Eunoia Review
elfcap inference · fade into craft
svelte microclime · Svengali
bright sun on the · old snow
January resolutions · looted for sport
& it's elfcap inference · keeps us afloat
in the aftermath · of the munchkin cull
"The sexual tension between winter and depression" --@tomorrowx3.bsky.social via @4slars.bsky.social
" 'Yes,' said Frog, reaching for a cookie, 'we need will power.'
'What is will power?' asked Toad." --@toadandfrogbot.bsky.social
DuckTales took an unexpectedly dark turn..
"MERGING (Anagrammed Lines)
More winter seedlings —
more needless writing;
entire worlds seeming
to merge in wilderness...."