Friday, June 14, 2024

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"The torture of a doom-begotten music
Above them, and the wash of a cold foam
Below them on those cold eternal rocks..."

--Tristam (1927)


Edwin traiking the tunnels · darkly in darkness
as luridly in a lingo · of logic i sang
the other Eiffel · a night in Prague
not quite an account · & from here coilname
or Mole Men · the decades dicker
& tunnels tarry · in their twining realm
my 'fiction-gallon' · foisted online
Carcosa's crown · on a Russian webpage

"That was the year..."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

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Setebos Upon Caliban.

grid-scaffolds march · gravely amok
up Irving airt · always i've driven
couldn't catch · a snide snapshot
of our homeland Hum · till i had to ride

later in the lobby · beie & bright
my phone's face · fails to present
in its glum gallery · one glance captured
by a clicking clown · with keds of clay

for(float g,e,i,s;++i<7e1;o+=vec4(g,2.5,e/i,0)*2e-5*e){e=2.;vec3 p=vec3((FC.xy-r/e)/r.y*g,g);p.z=mod(p.z,e)+mod(t,e)-e;p.y+=1.;for(int j;++j<6;p=abs(p)-1.,e/=s=dot(p,p),p/=s);g-=p.x/e*.4;}.

"To kill for calm and concord is similar to shagging for virginity and chastity." --Unhooking a DD-cup Bra without Fumbling

"There was a catastrophe and therefore there is a catastrophe."

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Malambo No. 1.

"Where there was no one left except himself
To save, and no way out except through fire."

--Edwin Arlington Robinson

Poem in Otoliths.

"TIME GROWS OLD (Palindrome)

Sun up, still....
A sun I saw.

Time grew old.
A sad, lower gem,
it was in us all —

It spun us."


Composition 219 🍕.

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"I don’t even write political songs. They’re more and more psychological to start with and then they become political."

"herb garden · dead leaf stalk · moon-shadows"


"So many progressive classicists left twitter."

"Forgive me, distant wars, for bringing flowers home."

- Wisława Szymborska (via @edgarjameskunz)

Descent #93.

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Pixel car wreck.

"Thou speakest of great books. But what of those
That come into the round and solid world
To show no more than their own emptiness;
With nothing in them saving black and white,
And guiltless as a hedgehog of a thought..."

--J Stanyan Bigg

Munsters Dragula.

branchmusk · answer engine
chronostasis's · craven story
in the pinchbeck olpe · a crisp ricecake
squandered serving · of maze squalor

Negative borrowing.

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"A number of my poems have appeared in The Fib Review, an online poetry journal devoted to the Fibonacci form."


passed pawn
on the fifth

    listen the flag drops

the pawn phalanx goosesteps upboard

the escape square catches the rank and file of last breaths

time and sound suddenly deadlock's    unforeseen pawn en passant    swallow hard your heart's hole"

--Ron Scully via

Electronic Ladyland Mixtape.

"one of the things I like best is writing ahead into the faked-up present instant of a narrative that isn't there yet, the barely-imagined item--so intense, so tiring, so similar to being alive

fiction as navigational anxiety"


Night ocean.

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"Something askew in the tint of the sun on the snow."

"Squeezing the bellows of a squalling bagpipe,
As brutishly and boorishly they bleated a carol..."


"There is an absolute nothing at the heart of Western life."

"THISTLES (Anagrammed Lines)

There, the hills speak inwards.
Spirits walk, harden the heels,
while sharper, naked thistles
skewer shins. The pallid earth
enthrals, like Death’s whisper—
We listen…. The dark has her lips,
this skeletal wind her phrase."


" 'How will I ever know what I regret later if I never do anything, ever?' Liza asked loudly in a perturbed tone."

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The Exit Hatch.

greenish ochre grokthwart
chagrin thirls the whirlpool
in the snowblind blunder
a blue heron tarries

count fingers old fogey
affirm inner ermine
odor of shorn shade-wings
a ship sailing tipsy

let your freak flag locksmith
align with clogged mineshafts
so chant cheapskate skittles
chalice of crisp whiplash


"When our eyes move from one thing to another, our brains erase the momentary blur in between by replacing it with a prolonged image of whatever we come to look at. That’s why a ticking clock might briefly appear not to move when looking at it—an illusion called CHRONOSTASIS." --@HaggardHawks

"You’re prying open the lid of the slap-crate."

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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Origin of "Sphinx of black quartz" pangram? (bottom half of page)

"Sloth and anhedonia pretend to be frugality, wearing its scalp and laughing. Vices only dress like virtues to defile them; I have the filth, fatigue, and void of an ascetic, but none of the holiness" --@ctrlcreep

Le temps de l'amour. (via @_ryanruby_)

a book-length poem · in blank verse
   against the gnashing of the night
an equiponderant ante · anyway realm
   of scratched paper tally

justice a word · jestingly wielded
   by the brute bronze griffins
betimes a hand proffered · unpracticed harg
   & end rhyme abandoned

The 'comma ellipsis'.

( via / me )

Phasing neon hexagon.

Gila venom honed on
half despairs half merry
suitcase in hand cinders

surcease of bad hearseshine
weaned in the end working

"One of his more memorable publications was the 'long lost poetry' of Lee Harvey Oswald.."

"Emily Dickinson's POEMS (1890) went through six printings in its first six months." --@_ryanruby_

Sister Wendy explains Rothko to a dead horse.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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5 Steps to a Meaningless Life.

"I am not put upon either by force or indigency, nor by a vain-glory, or a self-end, to set down any letter, and to leave it to posterity; only a meer consideration of the frailty and of the miserableness of this world, where the children of darkness are almost quite lost in their groping ways, hath caused me to do so. I am not able to express how much my mind is perplexed, when I think on the folly of this frail world, and consider the Cimmerian Darkness of its Children, which think themselves of deep understanding, when they have heard some Sopperies of the Universal Chair-men discoursed of, thereby supposing to be much enlightened in their understandings." --Basil Valentine via

"Because of Turing, every computer is a little Gay.
Because of Conway, every computer is a little Trans

sign shining · blank scripture
sudden fob of goblins
run in the lorn rayfall
relict predilection

smorgasbord of smoke tors
besmirch all lilac silos
bodycount soars · bars flip
their beckon-cards, feckless

"Spey of the Symbol stones and Ness from the serpentine mere..."

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"Gaping Dionysus"

signs joust · a sounding gipsy
mildews moan · in the metal garden
gains so gaudy · sniping snack foods
in the dusty grass · of day's poising gun

squarewheel roll · wary of remaining
ash crumbles · a creature gains dingy soup
hearing the next night · whose pious dyings nag
simple silence · a lawn yields to dirt

the eye is an edifice · whose circles are psalms
in the star-strewn · Dionysus gaping
in the metal garden · gifted by mothlight
& the tracks trepanned · one tryst too many

skjeeters askew · escort seated
driverknees as they drift · through shadow drainage
Yaldebeest grooves · & grisly usage

Utopian Pixels.

"With airy repercussive sorceries" --Thomas Carew


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Bad things happened.

The armies of Turbo Autocorrect.

The record you've all been waiting for.

"Unable to bear my longing
To the meadows where we parted
Have I come and fixed my gaze, but
Across the cogon grass upon the plain
Indeed, the autumn wind is blowing."

--Minamoto no Michinari (tr @wakapoet)

A girl and her lamb.

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Active sunspot AR3691 is now pointing toward the Earth.

"In a mirror or rim,
till lit; ill,
I dwell.
I veer away.
Art sat,
new, I sat.
I was a wit ire:
my burden,
my host;
so hymned…
Ruby merit,
I was a wit,
as I went astray,
Evil lewd, ill,
I till; lit,
mirror or rim:
an I."


Human Error II.

"It is so awkward when people see their duty. There is always the risk that they will do it." --@icomptonburnett

This is What was Bequeathed Us.

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The yarn-bombing in Avebury is a bit extra.

"The sloping Gothic roofs for carrying off the heavy snows still indented the sky--a world of tiles, with space uncurtailed for the awkward gambols of that very German goblin, Hans Klapper, on the long, slumberous, northern nights." --Imaginary Portraits

The Heart as Origami.

"A SONNET (Lipogram)

As seasons tease
a toast anon,
so neatness sees
a set as one.

Sonatas soon
atone, to sate
a neon noon.
Notes assonate.

A neat sestet
attests to stone —
a sonant net,
a tenet’s tone —
as assets test
a sonnet’s nest."


25 brightest stars in the night sky ✨.

Monday, June 10, 2024

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Matt Zoller Seitz on Jason and the Argonauts.

Greek Anthology VII, 744; Loeb II, p. 394
Diogenes Laertius

"They say the astronomer Eudoxus, teaching in Memphis
The eternal lives of the spheres, learned his own fate from Apis
The young bull who between his golden horns bore the full moon.
Not that Nature suddenly gave this beast the power to speak
But standing slant on, he put out his feeling tongue
And licked and licked at the travelling scholar’s cloak.
Which was his way of telling him, Thinker, you are on the wane.
Lover of the earth and the heavens, you don’t have long."

--tr David Constantine via

"You don't READ it, you read AT it."

"So much of the work of oppression is about policing the imagination."

- Saidiya Hartman (via @EverySongIveEve)

"And leaped from a goat-abandoned rock into the sea..."

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"In my artistic practice, I tend to my sickness as though to a newborn. I’m isolated like a young mother but my baby is the void."

"In grand gloom-mantles where the stars are hid"

--J Stanyan Bigg

A bit of Johnny Guitar.

chipmunks chanting at half speed
in this last greenish light
chary to learn
burnt umber bark

Four preachers screaming, detailed oil painting, edward hopper.

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Voodoo Chile.


Every saint & prophet has known madness—
a chilling, restless, lone madness.

Majnoon, in rapture, cries out for Laila,
heart aflame with the stones’ madness.

Let the starved man set his field ablaze—
what won’t burn when you’ve sown madness?

Dear God, spare me the light of You—
I’ve tried and tried to disown madness.

Move deeper into Yaman’s darkness—
the tabla will rise to an unknown madness.

One cold night, they found her alone
hungry, trembling, in full-blown madness.

Follow him down the road of his exile;
the madman’s quiet in his own madness.

Shahid, my love, sing with restraint;
you haven’t learned to hone madness."

--Adeeba Shahid Talukder in The Offing

Hip Hop Spa.

"Enrold in flames, and smouldring dreriment" --The Faerie Queene, I, 8.

A Floor Flooded by Tears and Blood. (via @hind_gaza)

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Wake the Desert.

"The most vital part of the language involves names. I can grab hold of names and haul them down, but I cannot break them into pieces."

— Canetti, The Book Against Death (via @BelliappaShruti)


Deadline-driven journalists remember
Here is something ought to be remembered.

Many people died, but for what cause
And what came after, they do not remember.

Yesterday is nothing to us now;
And what tomorrow's for, who remembers?

If there were fascist governments before
It must be how they decked out, we remember.

Old Graywyvern drowses in a chair;
He should be mad, is all he now remembers.


Nice clip from Black Narcissus. (Just like 2024, eh?)

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Curiosity Rover's view (with sound).

"An active till

An unanimated till
A live till
An active till

Like a till
At a dead till
Of vitality
A till

Infernal and supernal

Rot and desolation
At an infernal appearance

The vitality of energy
The vitality of energy
The energy of vitality

Of audacity
Of audacity
Of audacity"

--Robot X, 3550.

Are you tired of seeing the same old, mundane things on your screen?

"You can take the man out of the dog, but you can't take the dog out of the man. Wherever he goes, the yearning persists: for a small space, a dark space, a space where literacy cannot hurt him" --@ctrlcreep

"These people want to strip away everything that makes life worth living—literature, language, art, poetry, passion, beauty—until we live in a bleak utilitarian hell of emails, AI girlfriends and machine-generated movies."

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Cool set from another truckstop (?).

"One of Jung’s most brilliant insights is his claim that the true opposite of love is neither hate nor indifference, but power: 'When loves rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. One is the shadow of the other.' " ~Henry Abramovitch (via @sophiacycles)

Train rides ❄️.

robotic barriers · bang head against
try to entreat · the trammel-pile
all its idiottraps · reared to arrest
the human word · in a hueless wasteland

Turnip winter.

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"Caring about the environment suddenly feels very in-vogue."


The womb of steel, with thunder and a moan
Released its burden, and the screaming shell
Swung up in flame above the heavens' Hell.
Remote, on sounding skies till then unknown,
Where once the vulture circled, high and lone,
Or Alpine eagles had their citadel,
That iron offspring took the dark, then fell
As falls, unheralded, the meteor-stone.

In that domain of majesty and night
There stood no haven for its evil flight:
Its goal was horror, and the goal afar.
Ere long, where huddling babes and women wept,
And wounded men were couched, and no man slept,
Deep in the midnight city sank that star."

--George Sterling


"Biggest mistake ppl make in trying to find their authentic self is thinking it has any particular shape. 'I am an artist' 'I am a warrior' no sir, those are just identities – the authentic self is that formless thing which can maintain integrity across identities" --@tyleralterman

Sculpture made by dropping I-beams into wet cement from a crane.

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"Immersed in the rank gloom of Hell itself, the three tortured poets dither, pontificate, and argue; yet, somehow, they find themselves on the cusp of success."

If there are 360 degrees of being ironical (conceived as angles to directness), there are also 360 degrees of reading (angled from complete empathy).

Overfeeding latent space until it pukes.

      "The Bombardment

   Slowly, without force, the rain drops into the city. It stops a moment
on the carved head of Saint John, then slides on again, slipping and trickling
over his stone cloak. It splashes from the lead conduit of a gargoyle,
and falls from it in turmoil on the stones in the Cathedral square.
Where are the people, and why does the fretted steeple sweep about in the sky?
Boom! The sound swings against the rain. Boom, again! After it, only water
rushing in the gutters, and the turmoil from the spout of the gargoyle.
Silence. Ripples and mutters. Boom!

   The room is damp, but warm. Little flashes swarm about from the firelight.
The lustres of the chandelier are bright, and clusters of rubies
leap in the bohemian glasses on the `etagere'. Her hands are restless,
but the white masses of her hair are quite still. Boom! Will it never cease
to torture, this iteration! Boom! The vibration shatters a glass
on the `etagere'. It lies there, formless and glowing,
with all its crimson gleams shot out of pattern, spilled, flowing red,
blood-red. A thin bell-note pricks through the silence. A door creaks.
The old lady speaks: 'Victor, clear away that broken glass.' 'Alas!
Madame, the bohemian glass!' 'Yes, Victor, one hundred years ago
my father brought it -' Boom! The room shakes, the servitor quakes.
Another goblet shivers and breaks. Boom!

   It rustles at the window-pane, the smooth, streaming rain, and he is shut
within its clash and murmur. Inside is his candle, his table, his ink,
his pen, and his dreams. He is thinking, and the walls are pierced with
beams of sunshine, slipping through young green. A fountain tosses itself
up at the blue sky, and through the spattered water in the basin he can see
copper carp, lazily floating among cold leaves. A wind-harp in a cedar-tree
grieves and whispers, and words blow into his brain, bubbled, iridescent,
shooting up like flowers of fire, higher and higher. Boom!
The flame-flowers snap on their slender stems. The fountain rears up
in long broken spears of dishevelled water and flattens into the earth. Boom!
And there is only the room, the table, the candle, and the sliding rain.
Again, Boom! - Boom! - Boom! He stuffs his fingers into his ears.
He sees corpses, and cries out in fright. Boom! It is night,
and they are shelling the city! Boom! Boom!

   A child wakes and is afraid, and weeps in the darkness. What has made
the bed shake? 'Mother, where are you? I am awake.' 'Hush, my Darling,
I am here.' 'But, Mother, something so queer happened, the room shook.'
Boom! 'Oh! What is it? What is the matter?' Boom! 'Where is Father?
I am so afraid.' Boom! The child sobs and shrieks. The house
trembles and creaks. Boom!

   Retorts, globes, tubes, and phials lie shattered. All his trials
oozing across the floor. The life that was his choosing, lonely, urgent,
goaded by a hope, all gone. A weary man in a ruined laboratory,
that is his story. Boom! Gloom and ignorance, and the jig of drunken brutes.
Diseases like snakes crawling over the earth, leaving trails of slime.
Wails from people burying their dead. Through the window, he can see
the rocking steeple. A ball of fire falls on the lead of the roof,
and the sky tears apart on a spike of flame. Up the spire,
behind the lacings of stone, zigzagging in and out of the carved tracings,
squirms the fire. It spouts like yellow wheat from the gargoyles, coils round
the head of Saint John, and aureoles him in light. It leaps into the night
and hisses against the rain. The Cathedral is a burning stain on the white,
wet night.

   Boom! The Cathedral is a torch, and the houses next to it begin to scorch.
Boom! The bohemian glass on the `etagere' is no longer there.
Boom! A stalk of flame sways against the red damask curtains.
The old lady cannot walk. She watches the creeping stalk and counts.
Boom! - Boom! - Boom!

   The poet rushes into the street, and the rain wraps him in a sheet of silver.
But it is threaded with gold and powdered with scarlet beads. The city burns.
Quivering, spearing, thrusting, lapping, streaming, run the flames.
Over roofs, and walls, and shops, and stalls. Smearing its gold on the sky,
the fire dances, lances itself through the doors, and lisps and chuckles
along the floors.

   The child wakes again and screams at the yellow petalled flower
flickering at the window. The little red lips of flame creep along
the ceiling beams.

   The old man sits among his broken experiments and looks at
the burning Cathedral. Now the streets are swarming with people.
They seek shelter and crowd into the cellars. They shout and call,
and over all, slowly and without force, the rain drops into the city.
Boom! And the steeple crashes down among the people. Boom! Boom, again!
The water rushes along the gutters. The fire roars and mutters. Boom!"

--Amy Lowell

"Precisely because they are impossible."

Sunday, June 09, 2024

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Here where the dead lie hidden
Too well ever to speak,
Three children unforbidden
Are playing hide-and-seek.

What if for such a hiding
These stones were not designed?
The dead are far from chiding;
The living need not mind.

Too soon the stones that hid them
Anonymously in play
Will learn their names and bid them
Come back to hide and stay."

--Robert Francis (via @maryanncorbett)


"PUPPETEER (Anagrammed Lines)

A random theatre gig.
I tame, drag or nag the
haggard marionette.
I am greater than God."


Overfeeding latent space until it pukes.

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Fire 🔥.

"Trope Name: The Crow can Fly

At least until it gets too close to something."


"The clown Agnez will hold a short lecture about CIRCA – Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army."

(a consonant palindrome; that is, the consonants are palindromic, but the vowels are not)

A dale. A look of fire. A host of bows.
A slow July lay dull. I passed one maid
a rose, aglow in poetries or prose —
and stole the gold of lords, amid the glade.

To fight a law, our foe, I rob the rich.
I snub the sworn award for all to see.
A tax on life sends arrows to a ditch.
A city, due its worries, dines — I flee,

anxiety still rife. I draw; I near....
I wish to banish, cure a hate I bore:
For wealthy, gifted light, a doom is dear —
aloof delight, lit so, denies our poor.

See ore atop new logs or diamonds spilled!
All jewels, I saw, befit a sheriff killed."

