Monday, June 10, 2024

( via / via )

Curiosity Rover's view (with sound).

"An active till

An unanimated till
A live till
An active till

Like a till
At a dead till
Of vitality
A till

Infernal and supernal

Rot and desolation
At an infernal appearance

The vitality of energy
The vitality of energy
The energy of vitality

Of audacity
Of audacity
Of audacity"

--Robot X, 3550.

Are you tired of seeing the same old, mundane things on your screen?

"You can take the man out of the dog, but you can't take the dog out of the man. Wherever he goes, the yearning persists: for a small space, a dark space, a space where literacy cannot hurt him" --@ctrlcreep

"These people want to strip away everything that makes life worth living—literature, language, art, poetry, passion, beauty—until we live in a bleak utilitarian hell of emails, AI girlfriends and machine-generated movies."

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