Saturday, June 01, 2024

( via / via )

Black & white frolic.

"FILM NOIR (Palindrome)

Prepare trope résumé:

Mad, arid antihero.

Man in a motel,
at a femme fatale,
to man in a more hit nadir.

A dame,
reporter —
a perp."



Poliespo forge
with resistless psalmist spirallings

go after
more crafty Ogpu leverage if alert

red grimace adorns swingset

Cairnholy: A Winter Sunset.

( via / john brooks in plano history (& nostalgia) group via lezlie king on fb )

Jungle Gym.

"first job interview
my shadow
on the sunlit snow"

--Chen-ou Liu at Poetry in the Moment blog

знаєш як, розкажи.

" 'Frog, is that really you?' said Toad.

'Of course it is me,' said Frog.

'And you are your own right size?' asked Toad.

'I think so,' said Frog."


Today is disassembling roses.

( via / via )

Under the Ion Hammer.

"...T***p has always been in a special category in our cultural consciousness: one of those trickster figures familiar in pro wrestling who dress flamboyantly, have odd hair styles, wear makeup, say outrageous things, break all the rules, foul their earnest, naive opponents, play the villain, yet may wind up "champion"--if crowds love/hate them passionately enough." --@joycecaroloates

"...Trump is more than anything is a 'heel' - that wrestling figure who is the dark half of the story, which some will actually root for. Trump fits that role organically." --@anis0ptera

Turnspit dog.

grant that no flower
be grafted alien on a broken stalk,
no dark flame-laurel on the stricken crest
of a wild mountain-poplar;
grant in my thought,
I never yield but wait,
entreating cold white river,
mountain-pool and salt:
let all my veins be ice"

— H. D. (via @isidro_li)

Industrial Dawn.

( via / via )

Rosicrucian Acid.

In uncertain
Brightness · the screen grows dull
With people saying things like rain

"What makes them your favorites?

Generally, complex themes along with scrupulous attention to style. Rare flavors. As i once put it: Magic, Music, Mystery."

   Not a wet brown leaf

At the bridge crossing today:

   Dead frog in the sun


A poem from Sedna.

( via / via )

Prayer for Werewolves.

"There are a couple of old Anglo-Saxon words that I've become obsessed with and think we need to bring back into modern English.

Earthfast: literally bound to the earth. It can refer literally to a rock half buried and stuck in place but also can mean a person who is settled. It's like being in your comfort zone and having a place you belong.

Wondersmith: a blacksmith makes iron things, a silversmith makes silver things. A wondersmith makes wonderful things.
A maker basically"

Along the coast of Normandy.

"i'm a friend
of rain

i listen

once i too
fell from
the sky"

--Ai Li (via @leontefft)


( steve cruz on fb / amy martin on fb )

"Sometimes I still get the ever-dwindling pleasure of seeing the type of room that has never before existed in human history and definitely won’t ever exist again."

rank snarkperforation
bewrayed & dregs aidle
of subfusc irk oblong
song in the heart's thwartqueue

"The debate was divided between those who conceded that the work was distressing but insisted that it revealed contemporary racism and was not itself racist, and those who deplored the work for being racist and degrading to women despite the artist’s intentions."

"Love's bones now glimmer where his eyes once gleamed" --Arthur Davison Ficke

"What if we were to interpret the obsession with safety and things like sports teams that play to a tie as a series of displacements and condensations, metonymys and metaphors, referring to a fundamentally different desire and unconscious awareness of circumstances?

( via / via )

"Our dwelling place..."

"To bear a name is both terrible and necessary." --Don De Lillo, Ratner's Star (1976)

"In Washinghton Square,/ the benches were empty..."

"Pluto 2
After the action of the International Astronomers Union 8/24/06

Poor Pluto, icy stone, never so lovely as Venus
or possessing Jupiter’s pull. Dragging along
your equal moon, that old cold pagan dance-partner,
Charon. Still tangled up with Neptune’s elliptic
and its inner tides. Second-tier, our mirror,
unable even to clear your wobbly orbit of debris.
Yet, for all of it, the sun’s faint ray still falls
on your gravelly eye. A great debate – and bang! –
you’re X’ed from the canon by the IAU, in Prague
not Rome, but still the same: too many minor objects
threatening the cosmic balance. It’s just as Irenaeus
argued and the holy fathers, in their wisdom, then declared
the gnostic gospels bogus – full of outlandish sayings
like: 'Pick up a stone, and you will find me there.' "

--Richard St. John (from Vox Populi Sphere via Michael Sims on Fb)

Scissors, Paper, Sphinx.

Friday, May 31, 2024

( "Jim Yeager, a pilot for American Airlines, took this photograph on the night of May 25 while he was being diverted over Corsicana. This photo is looking northward at the super-cell bearing down on Cooke and Denton counties that spawned the deadly tornadoes at Valley View, Lake Ray Roberts, Pilot Point, and Celina (Collin County)." --Mike Owens in Dallas Filth / via )

"Great hatred, little room..." (via @BHANNA1909)

"Mine Is a Voyage on a Cloudless Eye

Mine is a voyage on a cloudless eye
Adapted to that surface as a skate
Round which the flakes from bowsprit never fly;
Gardens so jailed with frost and salt they fight
All summer towards the waterfalls are mine,
Rivers whose smooth meandering thumbs can press
Enormous homesteads from a wilderness;
The comet's swan-like after-tow is mine.

Time comes and goes and what was never snow
Hangs like a thpousand seagulls in a hall
Of glass. O in that tinder stillness blue
Madonnas burn like lamps profane as pitch,
Philosophy's great odalisques who dwell
Sun-centered in their own phosphor. To touch
Or dream them is to fuse that greening kiss
No mouth returns, no tongue relinquishes."

--John Malcolm Brinnin

"...The water from the spider-peopled wells..."

"in the future you will have to watch an ad before having a lived experience" --@noetic_emetic

Standing Stones of Stenness.

( via / via )

Trump F%@#s Around & Finds Out.

“I do not believe that things will turn out well, but the idea that they might is of decisive importance.” – Max Horkheimer (via @libshipwreck)

Momentary drowning #59.

sorting my old things · presumes some identity
stable · instead of a lifetime collecting
here the harrowing · far-hurtling
comes quiet · as if cast off
ebb of earlydusk · into gold-
topped trees a last · telling & cease


( via / via )

Some nice, slightly colorized, generated bubbles.

this only hour · aches with the shortfall
of compassion yet posh with · stormpast eddies
a favorable finish · half a day paid
a violin concerto · a shade lured

You aren't supposed to understand it all in this moment.

"I will never forget the time I was playing Scrabble at a terrible social gathering and I used the word 'limn' and this guy playing imperiously said 'I got an English degree from Williams -- I know that’s not a word' and waved off people trying to get a dictionary." --@zeeshanaleem

When you're getting your pizza and you don't want your cat to escape out the door.

( me, 9/17 / via )

From the new eruption.

Two languages sharing the same words, just applying them in different ways to different things. Their one shared belief, that this difference does not exist.


Clouds taut with entasis
Make steps tend toward nasties,
As if upon seitans—
Or a dank sestina.
Still, good for the tansies
And plenty brisk tisanes…

Stronger brews than tisanes
Risk hwyl or entasis,
Orchid-gauds not tansies’,
Jibes by critic-nasties.
Plebeian sestina
Rather beef than seitans.

Before there were seitans
I remember tisanes
Of sage, some sestina
That purged my entasis
Bad case of the nasties
Let a thousand tansies

The entrée, then tansies
Gluten-free or seitans
Alike seem now nasties
& all those sad tisanes:
Temple sans entasis,
Doggerel sestina.

Obsession’s sestina
Riots in the tansies;
I’ve done that entasis,
On to other seitans.
Era of dark tisanes,
Populous with nasties…

Who are the real nasties
If not strict sestina?
Zany our new tisanes
With GMO tansies
And scifi-great seitans,
Cycle-turn entasis.


"After eight years of covering this guy, it was the first time I’ve ever seen him in the flesh."

( via / via )

We came from the far side of the river.

pollarded Darconville veer
bonanza for the tree trimmers
spare vitriol
solidarity ankle bracelet

"Penguin’s original colour schemes were: orange/white for general fiction, green/white for crime fiction, cerise/white for travel, dark blue/white for biographies, yellow/white for miscellaneous and red/white for drama."

"My slow bones stretched on tide-ledge, bog, and dune..."

--John Malcolm Brinnin


( via / via )

Coal monument in Vorgashor’s central square, Vorkuta.

"What do you get if you cross an anagram with a joke?

A kind of joyous, eager magic that wows at any hour."



most days shirk · the shrinking horizon
avoid verdant · vacant lots
lots of ways · weststruck
the chasm that calls you · carries no return ticket
best gather the good flotsam · aggrieved stakeholder


Thursday, May 30, 2024

( via / via )

Finally done.


The vagabond mistake lived embodied in a cat
which gathered dust in a neighbor’s shady backyard
after choking on crow bones. You proclaim Poe
to be mandatory, soon to be a major motion picture,
some lonely shut-in pining over what puzzled him
left conversing to taxidermy with ghostly powers,
the laudanum on the fritz. Some of us are insatiable
as Maoists who trip over hurdles, a Great Leap
which wrecks the scene, broken circle emblemized
in the letter C. Nihilistic trooper abandons ardor
for documentation, lionesses lining every dank gutter
in Baltimore. I know I have slapped at the spectral
when reduced to magical thinking, yet some get all
the grief and crowds as those open-faced pillagers
who never were rapacious swat into their invisibility
with a wet sock. I listened to that suffocating cat
half-past a mope, fugitive comfort, a gutted grouper."

--Gordon Hilgers on Fb

The circus enters a new phase, watercolor painting, salvador dali.

thunder shirt not thwarted
this among heard verdicts
& shall we 'scape skullcrack
schemed against each instant

glaucous terse zaglossus
glowworm in the firm dark
dancer among dingbats
adult with the cultists

yesterday's rain roosting
wraps gray wings this capsule

To the smoky light.

( via / via )


"Every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate."

- Edward Said (via @EverySongIveEve)

Beautiful pixel sunset.

handmade words now hindered
hastily cleared wasteland
splashes leaping lushly
later read the spate-prey
wiper-sweep makes clearer
the way grudges trudge there


( via / via )

"And at that moment, St Mark the Evangelist realized that for the past hour, he had been writing without a pen."

stirring deep inside me
must you leave
this early in autumn
geese begin to gather"


"Of all the UFO interaction stories I’ve read, by far the most believable one..."

"Every day another outlet announces 'We’re proud to be partnering with OpenAI with the goal to eventually layoff all our employees' and are met with nothing but 'we’re going to beat you death with our bare hands' from 1k replies. Great industry, happy to be here" --@brndnstrssng (via @mattzollerseitz)

The Artist Orpheus.

( via / via )

"But there’s always money for bombs."

"Like a ship, offshore, with shattered masts,
Battered and betrayed, the island of Britain,
Through the thickening dusk of a third Dark Age,
Drifted into dimness in a tedious decline,
With two rival crews of contending rats."


"In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually."


Clematis, sweet pea, sweet alyssum,
sweet asylum,

adornment’s adamant
heaven scent

to bed an arbor’s

yes this

reaching toward
its own reward,

sweet re-aching might redeem
what seems

a frail unfurling to refuge
instead, re-fugue

played in contrapuntal context
shows some pragmatist’s thanks

not only as noun and verb, but stem, climbing

aster and hydrangea, honeysuckle,
wisteria, twine and tendril

reaching skyward

as if to pick
a warden’s lock,

as if jazz hands, spirit fingers,
fireworks, as our shared shards glitter

on this floodlit stage left empty and the river rising like ovation
out of whose rush and rake and raze and refuse grows again

these petals, pleats, sequins,
pirouettes, curtsies, and klieg-eyed bowers, sure-fired lines

run to sun’s stunning
statement piece, peals on which an hour slips under

the higher wire
and over

the big top we make
of what’s at stake,


corkscrewing up to pour more sunlight,

the act
we make of the temporary fact of us."

--Dora Malech in the Iowa Review

Three body system.

( via / via )

A film fully shot in infrared.

(Version number 6,325,901)

No omen in a call, it's still a sign,
a faraway, reviled delivery.
Assay a way arts air, a radar's tine,
risen urn, inward, rife, no laniary.

Beryl, one rock, core pods laid rotative,
layer gyrator's timer, ever apt,
a gift, part saved, I bide, yaw. Still, I give
no one vigil. Lit, swayed, I bide, vast, rapt.

Fig at par ever emits rotary grey,
a levitator dial, dope rock core.
No lyre by rain, a lone fir drawn in rune.

Siren, its radar–aria stray away:
Assay reviled delivery, a war;
a fang is all: it's still a canine moon."

– Pedro Poitevin (via)

For a brief window of time.

"I love that the Appalachians are part of the same mountain range as the mountains of Scotland, I love that those mountains are older than bones, I love that the last woolly mammoth died after the pyramids were built, the world is just so strange and I love learning about it." --@sketchesbyboze


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"Back to work, boys."

«You meet saints everywhere. They can be anywhere. They are people behaving decently in an indecent society.» Kurt Vonnegut (via @inthemoodfortw)

"Each day we wait to put an end to this wretchedness is an affront to any nation that calls itself civilized."

darkness like eyeball-pulled out darkness
   leaf-whelmed, besom-clean
stormgloomy plus tinted glass view

TV show you're loyal to
even after they ran out of ideas

Storm Ending.

( via / via )

Take a virtual visit of the painted cave of Pech Merle.

"With a groan
like the breaking of a man’s heart,
the chokecherry tree
comes down in a white fury
of lightning and blossoms."

--M. Kei in Tanka Splendor 2006

I have signed the bomb.

"One with his fervor shall inform
The world, and one with all his sorrow:
One sees a glad, unsetting morrow,
One hears the whisper of the worm."

— Charles Baudelaire (translated by Clark Ashton Smith) via @isidro_li

"These days, 'in order to get exposure, you have to make the kinds of content that the platform is prioritizing in a given moment,' Chayka says."

( via / me )

"Its signposts were destroyed to deter ghost tourism."

"We aren't permitted to appear in our complicated fullness to one another." --Lynn Emanuel via

Abuelita's Prayers.

where do the geese go · to garner shelter
from the wind & the welter · of withering hail
no one knows

Darkness on the Edge of Town.

( via / via )

"A planet thought to orbit the star 40 Eridani A—host to Mr. Spock's fictional home planet, Vulcan, in the Star Trek universe—is really a kind of astronomical illusion caused by the pulses and jitters of the star itself, a new study shows." (via Mefi) (Earlier.)

ghost harness · gainsaying verboten
the lock's no longer · liking to stick
fragrant refreshed · air after
stacks of sticks · on each patient curbside

"It is easy to see stars in a place with no people."

"Thoughts that have come and found the heart prepared
To lodge them in its inmost sumptuous rooms."

--J Stanyan Bigg

Musical Worms.

( via / via )

"You are a jejune, lice-infested pariah, she wrote hopefully."

"Looking first at my novel outline then the chapter I'm writing, comparing the plan to the product, thinking of Iris Murdoch: 'Every book is the wreck of a perfect idea.' " --@mdbell79

Bestial hinge.

wasp-return a teaspoon's
taste in the glum summer
morning that hordes harness
high array curation
blithering rathe blogtroll
blindfold in the minefield

"I was born in a refugee camp, and so were my parents."

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

( via / whatever )


treeful of raucous rooks
drumming the drivethrough line
with ragged drone

here a "murder" happens
the loose birds collected
how were they lured

without fanfare to Plano
corner lot in accord
by some fierce call

in the storm-spiralling Spring

The Midnight Special.

"As a breath on glass, -
As witch-fires that burn,
The gods and monsters pass,
Are dust, and return."

― George Sterling (via @Isidro_Li)

Relics From a Landscape II.

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Велика ріка Хєнь-Юань.

"On International Children's day in Berlin, the names of the children killed in Gaza will be read aloud. It will take 15 hours to read their 14,000 names." --@tracyfuad (via @dreamsofbeing_)

Відень спить.

irked epicure · inconvenience
the means permute · for motoring through
stormdark stores · pool stays in the dark
its turquise tangible · yieldingness of skin

Stipples and slices.