Saturday, June 01, 2024

( via / via )

Under the Ion Hammer.

"...T***p has always been in a special category in our cultural consciousness: one of those trickster figures familiar in pro wrestling who dress flamboyantly, have odd hair styles, wear makeup, say outrageous things, break all the rules, foul their earnest, naive opponents, play the villain, yet may wind up "champion"--if crowds love/hate them passionately enough." --@joycecaroloates

"...Trump is more than anything is a 'heel' - that wrestling figure who is the dark half of the story, which some will actually root for. Trump fits that role organically." --@anis0ptera

Turnspit dog.

grant that no flower
be grafted alien on a broken stalk,
no dark flame-laurel on the stricken crest
of a wild mountain-poplar;
grant in my thought,
I never yield but wait,
entreating cold white river,
mountain-pool and salt:
let all my veins be ice"

— H. D. (via @isidro_li)

Industrial Dawn.

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