Saturday, September 07, 2024

( via / via )

Le Voyage. Dennis Cooper on Pierre Henry.

"Maybe the 100 most influential people in AI are actually 100 data labelers from the philippines" --@nrmarda via @mckenziewark

Music of the Chinese Tribes in the Golden Triangle. My review.

Random # 250 = 505 in base-7; 5 + 0 + 5 = 10 lines

optometrist's entrance
tragic melee adjunct
burnings counted corny
in the cold gray doldrums
handful of stark stonedoors
instill cant for killers
on a night for otters
erstwhile debris neon
i gather guns smoothed by
ganch upon ganch banshees

Sulfureous sky.

( me / via )

The Death of Keats.

Random # 239 = 458 in base-7; 4 + 5 + 8 = 17 lines

outrunning Covid
in the cool early shower
with the capital-exile grief of Ovid

sky livid
streets a tesselation of Escher
outrunning Covid

genocidal erasure
with the capital-exile grief of Ovid

to these tiny figures perfervid
glimpse of shore
outrunning Covid

with tomorrow's knives gravid
with voidshare
with the capital-exile grief of Ovid

spend our seasons outrunning Covid
with the capital-exile grief of Ovid

Pumped Up Kicks.

"a smudge
of blackbirds swirling
into evening ...
how fluid the shape
of this sorrow"

--Debbie Strange via @ericcoliu

"All of these artists are now dead." (via @mcrumps)

( via / me )

"If he could have dinner with anyone, it would not be Lacan or Marx but, indeed, GK Chesterton, whose critique on the Book of Job partially inspired Žižek’s new book on Christian atheism." (via Mefi)

"Did ever he walk the twenty-six wards of the city, within and extra, did he cast his nautic eye on her
      clere and lusty under kell
in the troia’d lanes of the city?"

--The Anathemata

Young capybara blissing out. (via @albernaj)

Random # 211 = 121 in base-7; 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 lines

slowworm trail & waystar
bewilder-prize geyser
when the sedgethick secret
simmers amidst hymnlapse

They also removed ‘Fahrenheit 451’ 🔥.

Friday, September 06, 2024

( via / via )

Another music video from Sapphire Goss.


And out of nowhere a girl receives an ovation

from her rescuers,
all men
on their knees and bellies

clearing the man-made rubble
with their bare hands,
disfigured by dust
into ghosts.

All disasters are natural
including this one,
because humans are natural.

The rescuers tell her
she’s incredible, powerful,
and for a split second, before the weight

of her family’s disappearance
sinks her, she smiles,

like a child
who lived for seven years above ground
receiving praise."

--@fadyjoudah via

Wonder Bread factory.

"SOMETIMES (Lipogram*)

it seems
time is mist.
It sits,
so moot.
It misses me.

(*using only the letters of its title)"


Sumo Cat Selfies.

( me / via )

Dorit Crysler live.

"excited to announce my new book under contract with Verso: Furry Marxism" --@cervixpiercer

Didja hear Zygotic Washstands by Camel Edible? (thread)

Random # 89 = 155 in base-7; 1 + 5 + 5 = 11 lines

Buddha from the jungle
a place of peace
all the shadows say

book of engravings
pictures of the way you will die

know-how in the bleak eclipse

a-jangle neb
shofar in my nostrils
nenuphar for Bashō

twilight of the kestrels
the questbright horrorshow

Native Invader.

( via / me )

An Encounter with Simone Weil. ☆☆☆☆

cerulean orders arisen
the goblinesque map gaping
ride gimlet
blinking orange arrow
maybe the heat won't weary
this early westering
albed in cerulean orders

Cologne, 1945.

"The limit is crossed with a weary horror: hope seems a respect which fatigue grants to the necessity of the world. "

— Georges Bataille, 𝘐𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 (translated by Leslie A. Boldt) via @Isidro_Li

Hamdouchia Al Andalus.

( via via @eliasgreig / me )

From Latveria to Carbombya.

"The responsibility to distinguish sharply between fact and fiction was one that made sense throughout the entirety of the print era. These were the norms that shaped the genres that were particular to a certain chapter of the history of technology. But that is all over now, and the arts and literature need to start reflecting our new reality far more boldly than they do." --Justin Smith-Ruiu

Pynchon joke i fell for.

"i barely notice
until I am surrounded
cicada song"

--@jameswelsh35 via @ericcoliu

Earl Garvey Realtor.

( via / via )


Random # 255 = 513 in base-7; 5 + 1 + 3 = 9 lines

as lightly as a thought
across the kitchen floor
a mouse ran
· i was far
& weighing a mote

this brought me back to time
& all time's dreriment
i hungered for a pint
sequestered dim

stowghost in the garretstorm

"As imperceptibly as grief..."

"Peacocks talking of the color gray" --The Incredible String Band via

Les Jeux de la comtesse Dolingen de Gratz (1981). ☆☆☆

Thursday, September 05, 2024

( via / via )

The Weight.

"I’ve said the Old English version of Zeitgeist would be *tīdgāst. But we need more such words: like *stōwgāst ‘the spirit of a place’, and *folcgāst ‘the spirit of a nation’." --@wylfcen

"An interest, hitherto paid to works of art for their own sakes, was suppressed or diverted, and the aesthetic consciousness suffered thereby, not only from a ruthless opposition, but also from the more effective forces of indifference and disuse."

the illusion of
maybe some coffee left in
the old stained carafe

between wanting to write &
wanting to sit as if stunned

The Bitter Withy.

( via / via )

Passing Lights.

brick rabbit i reckon
runs in the lace racetracks
zydeco churn Zürnpoem
gazette roaring the story


"Oh this eternal roar--this froth and hum;
This troubled tossing in a turbid rush!"

--J Stanyan Bigg

Urban Twilight.

( via / me )

A new original graphic novel, Betrayal Of The Mind, a rare English-language work tracing the life and fate of the famous Surrealist figure Unica Zürn.

"If you’ve ever wondered 'What did the Anglo-Saxons call the Saxons who stayed behind in Germany?', the answer is Ealdseaxan, or ‘the Old Saxons’." --@wylfcen

When death has laid you down among his own.

in my car's shadow
the cracks in the driveway form
cliffs & arroyos

small obstacle for the ants
marching up from the alley

House of the Rising Sun.

( via via @artistdekooning / via )

Second Chance.


After three ways in the rain image
when waking your counterimage: he,
the magician. Angels weave you in
the dragonbody. Rings in the way,
long in the rain I become yours.

Ermenonville 1959"

--Unica Zürn

Remembering: the Lojban Creation-Poem.

Don't Look Now is such a deep film, not only for the supreme technique, but also for its evocation of Venice (equalled only by the movie version of Death in Venice). Someday i should write an essay on cities in movies. There's the simple documentary aspect of shooting on location, the plot-functional aspect (which is often faked, sometimes well & sometimes not so well--but the fake can be enjoyable too), & then there's what might be called for want of a better term, the subjective-city aspect. That's a lot of what i get out of the films of Antonioni & early Godard, for example. You know that's exactly what it was like to be there at that point in time, regardless of whatever personal events are being shown. (Fellini's vision of Rome is the opposite, in contrast. He would turn Dallas into the same circus he turns Rome into.) Steppenwolf the movie is very little about Prague--& yet Prague is there. Philadelphia in The Sixth Sense. Maybe a dozen others.

"I hadn’t thought through why I was writing in anagrams, I just suddenly was—and I initially found myself a bit irritated and mystified by this seeming diversion from my “real” poems."

Four Painters.

( me / oliver sheppard in dallas filth )

braves this road
early autumn night"

--Bashō via @bashosociety

The name of the star is Wormwood.

Random # 214 = 424 in base-7; 4 + 2 + 4 = 10 lines

only now my own food
fubsy thought less often
nightmares heckle to fade
wade the feculent inn

the shape surely ripples
shofar blasts Apophis
under bonedust buried
aboard fan Titanic
a frenzied sort of music in the muse-sick dusk
none of us has to foot the bill

Callanish I.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

( via / via )

"We contemptuously mock the trash that it offers the masses, and then think we have understood something about capitalism, rather than about what capitalism has learnt to think of the apes it arose among." (via Mefi, as is the following:)

"I asked an AI to write a joke about the article and was delighted by the burn it delivered.

'Why did the accelerationist cross the road?

To get to the other side of history, of course! But then they realized that history is not a linear progression, and that the road to a post-capitalist society is full of twists, turns, and unexpected obstacles. So they decided to just stay on the sidewalk and wait for the self-driving car of the future to take them there instead'." --criticalyeast

Woman Leaving the Psychoanalyst.

"Failed Tribute to the Stonemason of
Tor House, Robinson Jeffers

We traveled down to see your house,
Tor House, Hawk Tower, in Carmel,
California. It was not quite what
I thought it would be: I wanted it
to be on a hill, with a view of the ocean
unobstructed by other dwellings.
Fifty years ago I know you had
a clean walk to the sea, hopping
from boulder to boulder, the various
seafowl rightly impressed with
your lean, stern face. But today

with our cameras cocked we had to
sneak and crawl through trimmed lawns
to even verify the identity of
your strange carbuncular creation,
now rented to trillionaire non-
literary folk from Pasadena.
Edged in on all sides by trilevel
pasteboard phantasms, it took
a pair of good glasses to barely see
some newlyweds feed popcorn
to an albatross. Man is

a puny thing, divorced,
whether he knows it or not, and
pays his monthly alimony,
his child-support. Year after year
you strolled down to this exceptionally
violent shore and chose your boulder;
the arms grew as the house grew
as the mind grew to exist outside
of time, beyond the dalliance
of your fellows. Today I hate
Carmel: I seek libation in the Tiki

Bar: naked native ladies are painted
in iridescent orange on velvet cloth:
the whole town loves art.
And I donate this Singapore Sling
to the memory of it, and join
the stream of idlers simmering outside.
Much as hawks circled your head
when you cut stone all afternoon,
kids with funny hats on motorscooters
keep circling the block.
Jeffers, ..."

--James Tate via

"It really does not bode well for our society that politicians and corporations keep trying to destroy both entire repositories of knowledge and culture and our access to them..."

( via / via )

"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Random # 243 = 465 in base-7; 4 + 6 + 5 = 15 lines

   gray granular time
the hush after a bomb
   where entities teem
lamp affix the high beam
   meretricious urge

thirst in jereboam
   lord of crumbly edge
the later finished Drood
   first aid in Wolf Age
diff'rent-voting kindred

   dreams vanish in fire
oaks enough for Druid
   seen this shit before
on the way to Vlad's tomb
   dropped my brass shofar


"I don’t really care if people use ChatGPT to ‘write a novel’ in a month. I wasn’t gonna read the version they wrote themselves either" --@noamchompers

Four Marys.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

( via / via )

Night stroll in Latent Space.

"10,000 hours": one of the stupider myths of our time, but all our myths are stupid. Time is not a bank you can fill up. No two people learn at the same rate. My 10,000 hours may be your 10,000 years.

"There’s like eight guys and all they do is eyes all day." (via @supercomposite)

dictionary of false measures
landscape of grieving

the sponge keeps falling

the trick of making the toaster work
the patch of floor between my folded knees

Witchcraft, Magic, and Culture.

( via / via )

"The three characteristics of minor literature are the deterritorialization of language, the connection of the individual to a political immediacy, and the collective assemblage of enunciation." (via @aliner)

Random # 34 = 46 in base-7; 4 + 6 = 10 lines

one wing · i sent sailing
after the archfiend · of the aching genocide
   another wing sprang
    into avid whisp'ring
   & one strafed the red tide

the knife & the wound · are now warring
according to the canard · gray drizzle
   down Plano Road
   when will i be rid
   of my heart's long fizzle

New films influenced by archive footage. (via @sapphiregoss)

"PIRATES (Palindrome)


Erupt, savage page!

Sail a rose.

Rise, deviant age,
by sword....

Set a ripple —
hot, sleek keels to help.

Pirates, drowsy,
begat naïve desires —
or alias too, leg a peg.

Pure rum, rum...."


Empire of Dreams. (thread)

( via / me )


"I like to use long passwords so that logging into my laptop feels like I have already accomplished some writing" --@John_Attridge

"Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass is just their third feature in a 50-year career..." (via @mjohnharrison)

Random # 132 = 246 in base-7; 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 lines

by cloud-creased daylight

by a machine i
   cannot see

   death row words
thrown into the void
   crow cawing

by cloud-creased daylight

"Today is the last day of coal powered electricity in Denmark." (via @anthonypetersa1)

( via / via )


Random # 316 = 631 in base-7; 6 + 3 + 1 = 10 lines

the God-distance
the God-distance
i did not make it
the God-distance
fathoms are hungry
& bait is cheap
the ones in the castle
keep different books
i did not make it
the God-distance

Frame: 01439. (via @psychojography)

" such a numb somnambulism shambles humanity." --M P Shiel, The Lord of the Sea (1901)

"But women painters hardly even have a foothold in the history of art, so to represent themselves planted squarely in front of their canvas on the easel isn't right."

Monday, September 02, 2024

( via / via )

Yesterday's solar activity.

"My abode is in the ellipsis
the world passes through"



Random # 196 = 400 in base-7; 4 + 0 + 0 = 4 lines

faro protyle shofar
shivers at harsh hairspray
your air gets nil airplay
shilling Quetzal Playfair

Ideal Living Space.

( via / me )


"Summer is fading:
The leaves fall in ones and twos
From trees bordering
The new recreation ground.
In the hollows of afternoons
Young mothers assemble
At swing and sandpit
Setting free their children…"

--Philip Larkin via @DurhamWASP

Parts of the day, in Hittite.

Nothing is more groupthinky than incels attempting to rationalize their sense of entitlement.

"It's probably not a great sign that now we look at movies about the depressing, banal evil at the heart of white collars jobs in the imperial core and we think, 'what are they complaining about? They have a house'."

( the cosmic cup via allison david in dallas filth / via )

"When he was really down and out Ricardo and his family lived in the basement of our bookstore, Paperbacks Plus."

"Good morning from Marcus Aurelius:

'Imagine everyone who feels hurt or dissatisfied is a pig kicking and squealing while being sacrificed on an altar. Anyone who lies in bed lamenting, mentally, his various entanglements is also a squealing pig.' " (10.28)


Symmetrical moon in a symmetrical rain.

"The Tryst

In the early evening rain
I leave the vault
and walk into the city

of lamentations, and stand.
I think it is September, September.

Where are you, Josephine?
It is one minute until you must appear,
draped in a grass-green serape,

shorter than most people,
more beautiful, baleful…

pressing a hand to my forehead,
slipping into my famished pocket
the elixir, the silver needle."

--James Tate via @CarolineBirdUK

Experimentation with One-Word Haiku. (via @ericcoliu)

( via / via )

Rainbow over the Ring of Brodga.

"My head is as empty as a theater, where a play has just been performed."

- Kierkegaard in his notebooks, recovering from a late night of writing via @aliner

"...we can call 1 g4 a 'good opening,' the same way a mob member calls a hitman colleague 'a stand-up guy'."

"war moon
the flickering of humans
at birdsong"

--Alan Summers

Fallen Angels in Hell.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

( me / via )


Random # 52 = 703 in base-7; 7 + 0 + 3 = 10 lines

a taste of what might pass for mild relief
visible in the morning's gathered clouds
dissatisfaction other forecasts breeds
& long-enduring wrongs make Wodwo dowff

your phone is dribbling little chirps of texts
i ponder extinction not just this the Sixth
the pool fills from the hose though it has rained
i cherish a seething wind
whatever comes next
swells the sails of my seventh & eighth

Scary winter forest road.

"Do you think we're all physically hanging because our experience was lining the blue glittering light bewildered?" --Hell of the Cyr

Fragments from a Gaza Nightmare. (via @fadyjoudah)

( via / me )

The thinker & the thought.

"When people ask me about the Eternal Relevance of the Iliad, I sometimes say: read it because it's not relevant. Human experience is so much bigger than here and now. But sometimes I wish this great poem about the horrors and loss of war would stop being so damn relevant." --@emilyrcwilson

Saramago was asked.

Random # 286 = 556 in base-7; 5 + 5 + 6 = 16 lines

   ghost catcher
or arcane guise
   saucer streaks
strident the lull
   cracked driveway
draped with bug chirr
   carpet dents
indite culprit
   & dust sifts
broken doorframe
on the burst nest
   a veil drawn
on the drear shreds
   of ghosts caught
in a spun cage

solar halo captured during sunrise.