Saturday, September 07, 2024

( via / me )

"If he could have dinner with anyone, it would not be Lacan or Marx but, indeed, GK Chesterton, whose critique on the Book of Job partially inspired Žižek’s new book on Christian atheism." (via Mefi)

"Did ever he walk the twenty-six wards of the city, within and extra, did he cast his nautic eye on her
      clere and lusty under kell
in the troia’d lanes of the city?"

--The Anathemata

Young capybara blissing out. (via @albernaj)

Random # 211 = 121 in base-7; 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 lines

slowworm trail & waystar
bewilder-prize geyser
when the sedgethick secret
simmers amidst hymnlapse

They also removed ‘Fahrenheit 451’ 🔥.

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