Wednesday, June 12, 2024

( via / via )

Origin of "Sphinx of black quartz" pangram? (bottom half of page)

"Sloth and anhedonia pretend to be frugality, wearing its scalp and laughing. Vices only dress like virtues to defile them; I have the filth, fatigue, and void of an ascetic, but none of the holiness" --@ctrlcreep

Le temps de l'amour. (via @_ryanruby_)

a book-length poem · in blank verse
   against the gnashing of the night
an equiponderant ante · anyway realm
   of scratched paper tally

justice a word · jestingly wielded
   by the brute bronze griffins
betimes a hand proffered · unpracticed harg
   & end rhyme abandoned

The 'comma ellipsis'.

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