Wednesday, August 13, 2003

A novelist & writer about geishas has an entertaining
& fact-filled page on the world of Murasaki Shikibu: "We do
not know what Murasaki Shikibu’s name was. She was a member
of the Fujiwara clan, as were a high percentage of courtly families.
"Shikibu" refers to her father’s position as Senior Secretary in the
Bureau of Ceremonial (shikibu-shô) early in his court career. "Murasaki"
(the word denotes the color purple) comes from the name of a
character in the Tale of Genji. But what did people call her before
she wrote the Tale? I give her the childhood nickname Fuji (wisteria)
because some Heian sources mention her as Tô Shikibu, "Tô" being
the Sino-Japanese reading of fuji. She undoubtedly had another
official personal name, which some scholars think may have been
Takako, written with the character meaning "incense" plus the
feminine ending -ko."

Interesting infrared photography page.

And here's one on pinhole photography.

A group blog for graffiti artists.

Or you can salvage "art" from thrift stores... (I suppose this
is the equivalent for the internet.) Vote on the newest candidate!

Although Somtow Sucharitkul helped write the screenplay
for "Burial of the Rats", the only witty thing about it is the
tiny rat-guillotine in the first scene or so.

I wonder how we got a xeroxed copy of "The Last Will and
Testament" of Myrna Loy

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