Monday, November 03, 2003

Someone else has picked up on my phrase,
"information pollution". (This includes telemar-
keter phone calls
, too IMHO.)

   "Debt Consolidation"

Heft a withered spyglass to my shoulder;
The hen-speckled view recedes.
A impropriety of bloggers
Couldn't ransom this antlion-funnel climber.

Only pupil of the razory tickler,
I pressure my ghosts to emit
Nouns that allow a smarmy ampersand:
It is social, like a pogrom of mirrors.

But flotsam alone will gauge
The throughput of the seeded storm.

10 31 03 (for Verbophobia)

"There is the curious set of cases in which the word
Bosheth, 'Shame' or 'Shameful Thing', has taken
the place, or distorted the form, of some genuine but
objectionable word. For instance, the title Melekh,
King, was applied to Yahweh as to other deities: and
at one time in the seventh century human sacrifices
were offered to him under that name. This was an abom-
ination to the purer Jewish feeling. Whenever the word
Melekh occurred in descriptions of these rites,
the practice in the Synagogue was to avoid pronouncing
it and say instead Bosheth. To indicate this,
though the consonants of MLKH were not altered in the
text, the vowels of Bosheth were written under them.
Hence arose an imaginary word 'Molekh'--afterwards
corrupted to 'Moloch'--which was then taken for the
name of some unknown god of the Gentiles." --Gilbert
Murray, The Rise of the Greek Epic (1907)

"The more policemen you have, the more criminals you
have; and the more criminals you have, the more
policemen you have got to have to catch them: and so
it go on and on, until a time will come when everybody
will be either a criminal or a policeman." --G B
Edwards, The Book of Ebenezer Le Page
[Tao Te Ching, 57]

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