Friday, July 28, 2023

( via / via )

monogrid 0b.

"The Leaves Are Falling

Here I am saying 'The leaves are falling'
—one of those choruses
that vie with interminable verses
to mock hoarders.
Yeah, we get
that a palette of winds
is a pretty thing:
one blurs the anther, another
the river splurging on riprap,
out of the temperature
differential building
sculptural fogs
that promenade
between shores a glacier
wedged ajar, a fjord.
Whatever gives the river
its seriousness reverses
in the light
of those clouds moving
as if absorbing
their pomp in advance of it—
which untied the painter
and took the sculls again

--Ange Mlinko


"This sea in the sea hath a Sea of waggon,
And a Sea of waggon of blood; For all what hath not come
With it hath fallen, And as a waggon of blood the waggon
And the blood is flowing out of that waggon." --GPT-2

Hurdy Gurdy Man.

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