Saturday, July 08, 2023

( via / via )

"Carl Jung visited the USA in 1909... In an appendix to his Memories Dreams Reflections there is a short letter to his wife dated Albany NY September 1909... He notes the advanced technology of this country compared to Europe but says it has come at a great cost. He then observes that men are better off than women. In closing he remarks that this country already contains the seeds of its own destruction."

Across mean years i lost my taste for sugar;
my childhood sank, thickly encased in sugar.

Go, i said, you have no further claim
on these poor bones, your kiss a waste of sugar.

The garden was a dream of riot run
in which we lay, our thirsts replaced with sugar.

City rose upon city, each droll layer
marked at the point its populace embraced sugar.

Graywyvern turned in the dappled labyrinth
to see ants hefting his pathway traced in sugar.

"The last time I taught The Scarlet Letter, I discovered that my students were really struggling to understand the sentences as sentences..." (via Mefi)

Building a case is the only human activity that has a 100% success rate.

"The revolving doors in Australia do, in fact, spin clockwise. Opposite from those in the USA."

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