Thursday, July 13, 2023

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Cargo #558.

"I am eternally grateful to Dorothy Day for conveying to me the nicest poetical compliment I have ever received. She had been in jail in the old Women’s Prison at Eighth Street and Sixth Avenue for protesting against air-raid warnings. There the prisoners got a shower once a week. It so happened that a poem of mine had recently appeared in The New Yorker, of which the last line ran: 'Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.' One of Dorothy Day’s co-in-mates was a whore who went off to her weekly shower quoting it. 'My God,' I thought, 'I haven’t written in vain.' " --W H Auden

Sweet dreams 🌅🖤.

"Lost is that city's glory. Every gust
Lifts, with crisp leaves, the unknown Pasha's dust."

--Thomas Bailey Aldrich

GN Fam 🫂😘.

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