Monday, September 18, 2023

( via / "Drone display in front of the United Nations in New York ahead of the March to #EndFossilFuels and #UNGA." via @luckytran on mastodon )

"The Origins of Woke features a perverse blend of academese and alt-right shitposting not because Hanania is a moron who can’t tell the difference between the two, but because he is trying to appeal to—and profit off of—both normie conservative elites and angry online mobs..."

"On all hands one is obsessed by a representation of social life which, while differing considerably from one class to another, is always made up of mysteries, occult qualities, myths, idols and monsters; each one thinks that power resides mysteriously in one of the classes to which he has no access, because hardly anybody understands that it resides nowhere, so that the dominant feeling everywhere is that dizzy fear which is always brought about by loss of contact with reality." --Weil, "Sketch of Contemporary Social Life"

The Good Host.

closing time
in the gardens of the West
bored snail in the interim

closing time
as i heft another tome
as i sift through reams of waste
closing time

in the gardens of the West


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