Thursday, December 07, 2023

( via / via )

"Even within Gaza, there’s a hierarchy of suffering."

"Soon does one learn the bitter lesson that humanity is never content just to differ from you and let it go at that. Never." --@MsJeanRhys

Phenomenal lightning occurring in the volcanic plume.

"Moon Song (palindrome)

I blare vile drone.

A cloven order
I fetal ululate.

Pan in my hag,
no sane vocal anger,

I — regnal,
a coven,
a song,
a hymn in a petal —
ululate fire,
drone volcano omen,
or deliver albino ‘Om’."


"I respond to atmosphere much more than plot, say, and it seems it gathers much more effectively around a lone voice, just like it does around a single candle flame perhaps." (via c@mjohnharrison)

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