Tuesday, January 09, 2024

( via / via )

"Literature has always been a minority taste but seldom have so many of the people charged with preserving it – teachers, critics, even common readers – been so dedicated to its destruction." (via @timesflow)

"The ring of molten wax that forms around the flame of a candle as it burns is called the BISHOP." --@HaggardHawks

" 'These films were what were known in the US as a "white coater", where you would get someone in a white coat posing as a doctor to try and promote the perception that the films were educational,' Schwarz explains.." (via Mefi)


It was evening when we came to the river
with a low moon over the desert
that we had lost in the mountains, forgotten,
what with the cold and the sweating
and the ranges barring the sky.
And when we found it again,
In the dry hills down by the river,
half withered, we had
the hot winds against us.

There were two palms by the landing;
The yuccas were flowering; there was
a light on the far shore, and tamarisks.
We waited a long time, in silence.
Then we heard the oars creaking
and afterwards, I remember,
the boatman called to us.
We did not look back at the mountains."

--J R Oppenheimer, from American Prometheus

Present to Bruno, from Donna. (via )

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