Tuesday, January 30, 2024

( via / via )

A System of Circles and Spheres. Tasty retro synth.

"In gaza a mother
collects her daughter’s
in a piggy bank
hoping to buy her
a grave
on a river
that has no bank"


The Seven Sacred Oils.

"Then, the train rattled among the house-tops, and among the ragged sides of houses torn down to make way for it, and over the swarming streets, and under the fruitful earth, until it shot across the river: bursting over the quiet surface like a bomb-shell, and gone again as if it had exploded in the rush of smoke and steam and glare. A little more, and again it roared across the river, a great rocket: spurning the watery turnings and doublings with ineffable contempt, and ging straight to its end, as Father Time goes to his. To whom it is no matter what living waters run high or low, reflect the heavenly lights and darknesses, produce their little growth of weeds and flowers, turn here, turn there, are noisy or still, are troubled or at rest, for their course has one sure termination, though their sources and devices are many." --Our Mutual Friend

"I do not know what literature means to you outside of networking and grants."

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