Thursday, March 14, 2024

( via / via )

"Hecht couldn’t let go of the idea that seriousness requires an arcane vocabulary."

"Farewell Desires

To unwind yourself like Houdini
from desires' pinioning buckles,
to bob away, an untethered dory
from a golden shore.

To be tumbled by whim
bloom to bloom to bloom,
not snapped by stubborn longing
into carnivorous sepals.

Throw out the devil of hoarding,
his bower-bird piracy
and magpie curios.
Let my green wants

be maple seeds
twirling into a ditch, my wishes
crackers flung over the transom
to battling gulls.

Goddess of discards,
let me be a waterfall
pouring a heedless mile,
stride barefoot over the drawbridge
to the plain road."

--Elise Partridge

Giedi Prime. (via rhonda havins on fb)

"I think a lot of people haven’t realized that the market for making people feel like artists is larger than the market for consuming art itself" --@Pidud_

"The book explains the 'dark way of being red' drawing off the warm stream of Marxism from Ernst Bloch. From there, the book explores the socio-political function of the monstrous, the haunted nature of the digital world and the inescapable horror of contemporary capitalist politics."

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