Wednesday, March 13, 2024

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"OK ai music twitter, it's been months of us using the latest cohort of models. Who invented new genres? Share your examples.

"I saw this interview with a guy whose whole family had adermatogyphia (no fingerprints) and he said it would be easy to commit crimes but it’s pretty difficult to turn the pages of books and I have never felt so torn about a scenario in my life." --@askanyone

"When there are multiple overlapping hierarchies of status there is more of a chance of people not fighting their superior within the status chain. And the more severe the imposition of the single hierarchy in people’s lives, the more likely they are to engage in conflict with one another."

"moral rock garden"

when cars wore animal names
& each looked diff'rent
airplanes plied the body bags
on great silver wings
on the black granite scroll
& over the course of a war
summed to a number
that number stares back at me
only it's children
not soldiers
& the war's since the leaves last turned
on these sky-spearing branches
(oh only one-fourth as much
or less
that makes it better

on great silver wings

my super power is silence

groan of torn metal
monolith appears in Wales

rogue glows in the sullen subfusc
spires of power poles

story about TikTok

government hold dubstep
became my theme song

"The number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars around the world combined."

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