Monday, May 27, 2024

( via / via )

The New Death March. (via Mefi)

"i ran every red light just to see if your grave still had room for me." --@sainticide

"Having all this fossil-fuel-based plastic on every beach and in our drinking water and in our rain and in our beer and in our seafood, which is currently the case — it’s not like that’s a life I want to hold on to."

My first chance to play the Green Parrot! (May 2024), White: davidmane 1647.

1 e4   e5
2 Nf3   f5
3 ef   Bc5!? (the Parrot)
4 N:e5   B:f2+
5 K:f2   Qh4+
6 Ke3 (White is supposed to win this)   Qg5+ (deviating)
7 Kf2   Q:f5+
8 Nf3   Nc6
9 Bd3   Qc5+
10 Kf1   Ngf7!
11 Qe1   0-0
12 Qe3   Qh5
13 h4   d5
14 Be2   Nf5
15 Qf2   Nd6
16 d3   Bg4
17 Be3   Rae8
18 Nbd2   Nf5
19 Bc5   Rf7
20 Rc1   Qh6
21 Nb3   Qf4!

White lost on time. There is no defense.

What? English translation of THAT novel? 🤯.

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