Monday, May 13, 2024

( via / via )

Look up and soak in the mind blowing show.

"Alba helada,
luz azul aledaña.
Añade la luz azul alada;
la luz azul al aire salía,
bajaba y soñó tonos soñados:
ese verde, sólo sed reveses
o daños: son otoños.
Ya baja, baila seria la luz azul alada, la luz azul aledaña.
Añade la luz azulada, le habla."


(Google translate:

Frozen dawn,
surrounding blue light.
Add the winged blue light; the blue light came out into the air,
He went down and dreamed dream tones:
that green, only setbacks
or damage: they are autumns.
Now it's coming down, the winged blue light dances seriously, the surrounding blue light.
Add the bluish light, it speaks to him.)

Momentary Drowning.

"Still my favorite thing Danielle Steel ever wrote: 'I have terrible eating habits, and in my early days for some reason lived on a writing diet of liverwurst and Oreo Cookies, which became the subject of many jokes.' " --@dan_sinykin

Why did the palindrome cross the road?

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