Sunday, May 26, 2024

( via / via )

Art Deco radios.

"When Winston Churchill was asked to cut arts funding in favour of the war effort, he simply asked,'then what are we fighting for?' "

--Kazuo Ishiguro (via @Pergament_F)

A group of ducks in Portugal witnessed the meteor while on Twitch.

the terror of the night · in the turquoise pool
a promise proffered · i prowl inside
where rooms dark
we rend & dicker
over earthquakes
or solid quicksand
attenuate · the terrors of the night
each warped word's · warren of rodents
chartreuse shine
by sun's attention
in this bourne birds
remark among buds
a stern stillness · steeps with shadows

Noir. (via @Merlinaacevedo)

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