Wednesday, May 22, 2024

( via / via )

Prairie fires.

" 'Tomorrow will soon be here,' said Luce.
'It won’t,' said Nevill, in a tone of experience."


Last Hokku.


You gone, I thought to look
For warmth in the pith of trees.
So I went to the chopping-block,
Taught axe’s edge to kiss
Soft, knotty-hearted pine
Whose sinews might warm mine.

Matchstick’s rasp, blue chuff:
The fine-shaved kindling caught,
Curled into twenty fists
That cupped their fingers shut
Till fire fastened to the wood
And wooed it close and hot
And soon the room was warm enough
But I was not"

--John Talbot (via @amjuster)

Portal to another dimension.

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