Friday, May 17, 2024

( via / via )

Day 138: Courier.

ricecake-dry throat busking
this cave no beast's haven
Mars red & black charcoal
Fimbul winter's minting

yet things banned from lung's reach
grow deep-strong in the songbook
wipe away the trappings
leave has forced your voice wear

"But then I suppose for your edge-walkers, at a certain point only the mainstream at its most gross and vapid becomes truly transgressive,... authentic Americana... the kind of exoticism / slumming combo that leads brainy people people to get into wrestling or demolition derbies or what-have-you..."

"Maybe we were the wrong inheritors of the planet and after a few million years the Creator has come around to restore the balance; even so we had our points." --Phase IV

""When I first saw Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction' , I turned to my wife during the screening..."

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