Friday, May 17, 2024

( via / via )

From an 18th or 19th century Malay compilation and treatise on the amuletic arts.

Spiral Jetty jarhead
gyrovaganti hauntsome
two sheets to the khamsin
& a cold blue mouldwarp

An Introduction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula.

"For Wallis and Fortuna

The modus operandi of one whole slew of the semaphorists I hang with
Is to waggle violently our flag-savvy arms, as if to excoriate
The shredding mists into a witness’d departure. Of irrepressibly less interest

Is the scuppernong blush wines we like to pour out, compounding
The general hubbub with appetites sauvages, or merely pickled.
That is how we do it out here in the greeny pluglands."

--John Latta, 2004

"Like everybody else, I probably read less of it than I imagine: poetry’s constituted rather like a fine Moroccan cous-cous—it swells big in the stomachs of us who’re willing to sup on it regularly.."

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