Wednesday, May 29, 2024

( karl kempton "nasca plane #3, 1978 / via )

Pinhole camera + pika.


I am yours, otherwise it escapes and
wipes us into death. Sing, burn
Sun, don’t die, sing, turn and
born, to turn and into Nothing is
never. The gone creates sense – or
not died have they and when
and when dead – they are not."

--Unica Zürn via


"My childhood landscape was not the land but the end of the land—the cold, salt, running hills of the Atlantic. I sometimes think that my vision of the sea is the clearest thing I own. I pick it up, exile that I am, like the purple 'lucky stones' I used to collect with a white ring all the way round, or the shell of a blue mussel with its rainbowy angel's fingernail interior; and in one wash of memory the colors deepen and gleam, the early world draws breath."

~ Sylvia Plath (via @arealmofwonder)

"There is a raw darkness in Zürn’s work and a seeming urgency (necessity, even) to her methods that I hold close. She writes in The Man of Jasmine of 'the old dangerous fever of the anagrams,' defining anagrams as 'words and sentences that come into being by rearranging the given letters within a word or sentence. No other letters can be called for help'."

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