Sunday, May 19, 2024

( via / via )

Moldy Paper Orchestra.

"In a sense, life within austerity already feels like a capitalism without humanity." --May Robbins (via Mefi)

Teruna Jaya. (via Mefi)

"A blessing for girls who want to go swimming

You will read the legends. You know the ones.
You will drink up whatever overwhelming

gravity the supercluster has to
offer. You will not drown. You won’t even cough.

You’ll be witches if you want to. I’d make
you some promises, but you never needed

me to send you anywhere. You’re twenty-
six meters deep, looking back at Jupiter’s

great red eye, your head turned canny-sideways
like a colossally-haunched herd animal

scanning the treeline. Fox-red, cow-hided,
they won’t know what to make of you. Twenty-six

meters down, you’re swimming for the treeline
and your enemies groan like cellos. You pull

your finger off the trigger and nothing
launches. You read the legends. They gasp and purr."

--Meghan Kemp-Gee in Couplet Poetry 6

War Pigs. My favorite cover until i heard The Dresden Dolls'.

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