Sunday, May 12, 2024

( via / via )

When you log onto Zillow and search for "Ballardian".

makeshift grown to Greek gift
gross fault that is altar
oily sheen on shallop
shill-umbrageous pillbug

return then to torn-up
tarmac pratfall lattice
my hands hang like string beans
halted before doorbell

& the dirgecadge castle
cooks us a heart rook-sad
witness unslaked slaughter
& slightly mad Dad jokes

Can someone translate these?

"My favourite Icelandic term for pins and needles (tingling after your foot goes numb) is stjörnur í skónum, or 'stars in your shoes.' A Yoruba equivalent is pajapaja, or 'kill dog kill dog.' And the best one I’ve heard from German is mein Fuß glitzert. It means 'my foot twinkles' " --@AdamCSharp


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