Sunday, June 23, 2024

( varoush khosravians in asemic / via )

The other carousel.

"When meet and talk to a Palestinian, never ask them about Hamas or any other organization.
Just talk to them about Palestine, the Palestine they cannot live in, the Palestine they could only hear stories about from older people.
Just ask them about life under occupation, about their parents and their grandparents, about refugee camps and checkpoints, about the absence of airports, seaports, and border control, about lost family members and friends, and about their dreams.
Yes, ask them about dreams. And don’t look shocked when you hear their answers."


Still Life with Buddleia.

floor that fractures · what falls there
quirkily quelling · the quisling drake
clear morninglight · a love sunken
into the floor fast · with its fracturing sheen


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