Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Four panes.


After I died, I could not close my eyes.
And when everything appeared
In sweeping glares where people swayed
Like trees in dreaming blows,
I tried to say, 'The horror is all yours.'

A woman wailed when rocks fell on my house.
I never knew a gentler music.
I hear contrasting rhythms not of rain.
Quiet descends like lint.
The air is being absorbed.

I miss nothing yet unless it's God,
But I am breaking loose,
And as I wander through the stones
That churn like seas inside,
The terror is the getting lost in earth."

--Van K Brock (via @forgottengpoems)

"if the First provided a glimpse of a larger reality that implicates the writer and reader, and allows the reader to use as a tool for deciphering life, then the Second reading revealed the extent to which the books we read socialize our imaginations and exert influence on our actions by expanding our views of possibility."

"Memory sometimes provides the one flower more than ever blossomed. Memory sometimes omits the only flower there really was." --Miss Mackintosh (via @nichollsm86)

"After a decorated Tudor button and an unfinished musket ball, nothing much for several hours, then in the last 30 mins, a post med thimble, a Charles I rose farthing, a medieval iron shoe buckle, and a post med bone die."

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