Tuesday, June 04, 2024

( via / via )

"You can get nearer and nearer, so to speak, to reality; but you can never get near enough because reality is an infinite succession of steps, levels of perception, false bottoms and hence unquenchable, unattainable." (via aldaily)

more dying · the dour fall
of dense oblongs lobbed by
extreme bale's control board
the trapped catch & hatch woe

vouch the victim-fact'ry
a vested shirk-circuit
meanwhile the blood mildly
maunders down the clown-slope

"At just sixteen, Angelou made history with her first job: She was the first black female streetcar conductor in San Francisco." (Mefi)

"Hard-boiled, unbroken egg, what can you care
For the enfolded passion of the Rose?"

--Phelps Putnam, "Hasbrouck and the Rose"

We were able to bring the Gospel of the Lots of Mary to life for non-Coptic readers with an interactive screen that lets you randomly receive one of its oracles.

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