Monday, June 24, 2024

( via / via )

10 reasons to Hate AI.

"a list of things that, over the last 8 months, people have asked me to value more than the lives of racialised people, and, by extension, than my own life:

1) book festivals
2) the feelings of audiences at book festivals
3) the feelings of people tired of thinking about Gaza
4) the feelings of people who feel bad about not doing anything about the atrocities in Gaza and don’t want to be reminded
5) conversations
6) parties
7) my career"


Moderan (whose cover is pure Frutiger Aero).

extra rib on the outside · sub-ache
bomb that buried · in my backyard a fam'ly
none of you heard · the hell-announcement
draping darkswathes · dreriment barrelthrough
yellow after yellow · & the branchmusk rises

Knit Ink.

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