Thursday, June 06, 2024

( via / via )

All Animals are Conscious.

"I just learned that When you see vultures at rest in a tree or on a fence post, it’s called ‘a committee of vultures!’ " --@kerriewilcox10

Living Room Maquette.

"From the Sky

After Lorca

When I die,
bury me in the sky—
no one is fighting over it.

Children are playing soccer
with empty bomb shells
(from the sky I can see them).
A grandmother is baking
her Eid makroota and mamoul
(from the sky I can taste them).
Teens are writing love letters
under an orange tree
(from the sky I can read them).
Soldiers are cocking new rifles
at the checkpoint
(from the sky I can hear them).
Under fire, death and water
are brewing in the kitchen
(from the sky I can smell them!).
When I die, bury me in the sky,
I said, for now, it is quiet—
no one owns it and no one is claiming to."

--Sara Abou Rashed


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