Wednesday, June 05, 2024

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Fires in Al Fashir.

"Favorite trivia of the week: A group of ferrets is called a business." --@jamestatehill

The 99th Floor 👁‍🗨.

"This Body

This body
Is a blown leaf.
Till it is buried under the earth, wet by dew,
According to the blowing wind, in the evening sky,
I will be blown and will whisper.

This body
Is a broken piece of a ship pushed in on the seashore.
Till it is frozen by the cold wind,
As the waves move among the reeds,
It will move and swing.

This body
is a sick and useless body.
Till the ants build their storehouses in this body,
It will recite and sing as it sees and hears,
And I shall pray in a remote place."

--Un Zo, in: A Pageant of Korean Poetry

Lord Lovat exercised his right as Chief of Clan Fraser to have a personal piper accompany him in the vanguard of the D-Day landings on Sword Beach.

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