Tuesday, July 23, 2024

( via / via )

"Look closely at almost every aspect of your daily life – how you travel, your devices, your home, your food and water – and you’ll find a story of exploitation and extermination."

manyjolt hejira
jade brush at the hastescrawl
dawn-togs clad & clattered
cleaned all night in dreaming
a close shave is sharpened

pale shout in the dark nave

"Only his falcon knows."

"Has the great evil woven round my soul
A spell of Pandemonium, and a shroud
Framed of the glooms and horrors that surround
His gleaming palace-home, like smoke round fire,
That I should feel thus namelessly immersed,
Baptised in horrent shadows and dim dreads?
Why do I feel so lonely in the world?
Is the great charnel tenantless, and I
The one sole living thing amid its bones,
Its faded velvets, and its rotten biers?"

--J Stanyan Bigg

If you did not know what WCNSF stands for.

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