Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Zine Publication and Print Dissent.

our barter in the skyey clutch is Easter eggs
   while limbs of children thud around

i think of those before us rats in dinosaur skugry
   and how the big dark set us free

again and again returns a time of vampire havoc
   pretending while the sleepers flail

she'd lost so much i barely still could tell her face
    lightest of all my partings yet

a box i should have saved of precious manuscripts
   now landfill-bound as those of mine

this book of terrible words passed down from hand to hand
   and woe if anyone finds you out

drink wine from my dry skull at every party now
   i grant you leave to do this much

A Trinity Riddle.

"It is one of the most difficult things about our time that so many are falling away from the word--from their own as easily as from the one spoken to them." --Celan to Nelly Sachs

4 from Wölfli.

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