Tuesday, July 16, 2024

( via / via )

"The book is written at an 8th-grade level; his answers more than 12th. He is, in short, writing downward."

"I throw this ended shadow from me, manshape ineluctable, call it back. Endless, would it be mine, form of my form? Who watches me here? Who ever anywhere will read these written words?"

--James Joyce, Ulysses (via @timesflow)

"...from Autumn 1990 their transmissions – as Radio Stalin – were broadcast from a bomb shelter built in the catacombs under the empty plinth of a vanished Soviet monument at Letná Hill."

painsick, worldsick, bodysick
on the palindrome street
High John Conqueror
graygreen leaves
spiralling in the wake of the fled stakeholder

"To explain why it hasn’t yet delivered the promised cures, it is perhaps less of a climbdown to say that it’s turned out to be rather more complicated, than that we were working with the wrong picture in the first place."

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