Tuesday, August 27, 2024

( via / me )

"For decades, I vainly attempted to describe, evoke and recapture these feelings… until I realised that a generation of musicians, artists and writers were already – rather conveniently – doing the job for me."

random # 312 = 611 in base-7; 6 + 1 + 1 = 8 lines

rolldandruff the daily
dosage of last plastic
portals prog new martyrs
milch-rich & swart switchblade
no intrinsic traction
trellises bright gel pens
the g'rage fridge is fraying
frass in a nice bastion

The Dwelling of Our Peace, the Holy Tabernacle, the Mother of the Martyrs, and the Sister of the Angels.

"Flame-decked this plain of warring kings
Where poisoned fumes and beacons burn!"

--Betelguese: A Trip Through Hell (1908)

Counting Down the Days.

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