Saturday, August 31, 2024

( henry moore / me )

Don Marquis thread on Mefi.

the wraith riding beside
i'll let carry my load
riddle that leers
& blood that never blackens

to be fair, those before me
blundered famously
& they managed somehow to sleep
so i know there's a knack

to simply navigate
Aceldamas of ice
& baldfaced fields of folly
with iron fortitude

unseeing the wraith beside

In Memory Of The Unknown Poet, Robert Boardman Vaughn.

"I am so full of my dead, no else can die, for there is no more room."

- Elias Canetti, The Book of Death (tr. by Peter Filkins) via @aliner

"...people have real concerns about the costs and impacts of the energy transition... Dismissing those people & concerns as victims of disinformation is condescending." (via @amendlocke)

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