Saturday, August 17, 2024

( me / me )

Friday's Notes.

"...with highly recommended books, new and old, appearing on social media like a stampede of cupcakes. Even if the books are put through one's highly developed filter, it is still impossible to keep up, leading to bingeing or starvation reading patterns, equally unhappy. Reading Infernal Incipits: The Poetics of the New, the second chapter of Teodolinda Barolini's The Undivine Comedy, it's not difficult to regard this as the modern reader's contrapasso, the concept that a soul's punishment in Hell corresponds to the sin it committed on earth. " --Steve Mitchelmore at This-Space blog

Night Taxi.

"never alone
even though in the flesh
you are absent

for your spirit's not lost
it's where a seabird flies"


"Now, if you’re wondering how you managed to live through the 2000s and the early 2010s and never hear the phrase ‘Frutiger Aero,’ it’s because it didn’t exist back then."

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