Monday, August 19, 2024

( me / via )

"So I just now learned that Teslas see dead people 🧐." (via @ladyliminal1)

learn all the coughs · Cornell
carven notes in larva
eclipse feast-day cloistered
claim this malign diner

in dark letters dithered
adept to shlep candles
through the dread cathedral
thistlecorsage dodging

Samurai Song. (via @amitmajmudar)

"TIDES (Aelindrome in π)

Desire stowed ships on seas,
while air, a fragrant eddy, ran....
   A fragile air whips on.
   Seas wed shores, tides."


"They had their hands on a strong thing. I think I may have been the only one who fully realized how strong this thing was." (via Mefi)

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