Saturday, August 24, 2024

( me / via )

Ghost Ranch.

"The last artefact you need during a disaster is a disaster story that metaphorises it." --Wish I Was Here

夏②. (via @seppuku_doge)

won't begrudge · this groomed messenger
so much vetted · by not one poet

what could you whirl besides · your pinwheel gaily
when it's sealed already · the say- & unsayable

the meaning of the moment · will mostly show
scant months hence · whatever our hopes

your job to be joyous · as only the young can
entranced by a truth · i would not rob you

& the crooked word · crumbling away
about mass murder · that's not this monster

i leave to the left-out · my kin & colleagues
who'll have plenty to plead · complacent in the nosebleed seats

Notes, detail.

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