Thursday, August 08, 2024

( me / via )

Tathāgatagarbha sūtra.

"I look at his wrist.
It is crushed,
nearly severed.
And then at his shoulder.
A bone is fractured.
He is four years old.
I say to my wife,
Oh look how brave he is.
He is not crying.
No sign of any pain.
Even with no parents

I look at his face.
His eyes are not moving.
His heart is not beating.
He is taking a rest."


How art gets made.

" 'After I put on my bathing suit, you must not look at me until I get into the water.'

'Why not?' asked Frog.

'Because I look funny in my bathing suit. That is why,' said Toad."


First Class to Stonehenge.

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