Monday, August 26, 2024

( via / me )

Abecedarian for my Gay Love.

"A mausoleum with a bit of Sphinx on it will only do for Baudelaire if it has plumbing."

--Gerald Burns

"Meaning is resolution; it is an organizing of language into a coherent finality, and language in Barakat’s poetry is a resistance against precisely that finality." (via @fadyjoudah)

random # 274 = 541 in base-7; 5 + 4 + 1 = 10 lines

stuck behind a tar truck
in the school zap zone
tardy desire
gold picks out the pollen
windshield web collected
perigee warlock
late cicadas scintillate
when twilight twists stuff up
saying twerk it
to the strandwhale streets

Cataract 3.

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