Tuesday, August 13, 2024

( via / via )

Bela Lugosi's Dead.

dusty rose suede · holding sunsets
    the diagram smeared
brume skittishly
charcoal ratcheted urn
and abdicate from pumpkin smoke
veldt Usk

dusty rose suede



No omen, I’m a foetal stone.
I die, null, at a fate lit far —
die raw, one loss, Selene resewn
on woe. We lord a memo-star,
afar, at some mad role we own.
On, we, serene, less sole now are.
   I draft. I let a fatal lune.
   I die, not slate. O, famine moon!"


Allures (1961). ☆☆☆☆☆ (The great experimental works are ontological--they question the very foundations, in this case: what is time, what is narrative that the mind seeks to impose it; & what is being, that we imagine we have it?)

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