Sunday, August 11, 2024

( via / via )

Sunrise at Avebury.

"But the secrets of such a book are not absolute: once they are known, they become relegated to a lesser sphere, which is that of the knower. Having lost the prestige they once enjoyed, these former secrets now function as tools in the excavation of still deeper ones which, in turn, will suffer the same corrosive fate. And this is the fate of all true secrets." --Grimscribe

At the memorial to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

"An abandoned courtyard: an old tree:
A temple bell lying on its side:
The world I live in.

They win and we lose; we lose and they win.
Vines wrap around the rotting bones.

She knows he won’t come back from the army, but patches the clothes he left just in case."

--Eliot Weinberger via

Mind Blown.

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