Wednesday, August 28, 2024

( via / me )

Here Comes the Rain Again.

Aickman's method: to write an origin story for the feeling of estrangment he already has. Ligotti's: to start with that.

The allée couverte of Créac’h-Gallic in Goulven.

Random # 230 = 446 in base-7; 4 + 4 + 6 = 14 lines

   versts to go
gray water curls
   around wheels
last wharf enroute
   try avoid
the true horror
   stick to old
kind stereo
   take your versts
like vitamins
   Charon grins
fixed charmingly
   over ice
oozing never

"Land Art sometimes feels like site magic and it is, but it’s a learned alchemy not an intrinsic sorcery."

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