Tuesday, September 10, 2024

( via / via )

Dark carousel.

"No rotten rose. We nab hot paste past a cold log. Now snub wets. We’d fill up dew.

I saw red. No wrong is sex. Add on e(v)en odd axes. Sign, or wonder was I wed. Pull if dew stew-buns won gold.

Lo! Cats! A pet’s apt. Oh, ban ewes or nett or on […]" --Gerald Murnane via

Musée des Prole Arts.

Random # 335 = 656 in base-7; 6 + 5 + 6 = 17 lines

autumn comes in ounces · & odd runs
   of almost ready rainfall
morning coolth · then a coruscating noon
   the newly weirded welkin
seems hardly to hamper · the harsh scramble
   we know as far as we know
only the scolding · of the schoolzones tells us
   other regimes are looming
i always liked this borderline · light-sharpened
   passage & grew wise from
werifesteria · stirring the deep
   avid bourn of being
the frenzy of humans · afraid & raging
   falls silent a moment
i can see to the outside · across ciphers
   i can find a place
unimaginably magical · in a mild glimmering

"Meaning is in crisis. And we are embroiled, everywhere, in contests over meaning—which are also contests of power, contests over living. And dying." (via Mefi)

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