Saturday, September 14, 2024

( via / via )

Voynich & the Lazarus Project. (via feuilleton)

Random # 20 = 26 in base-7; 2 + 6 = 8 lines

sparkling purple spider web at WalMart checkout
   the one i build as little heeded
Hastorang whose planet hid & reappeared
   my lists of things i used to love

drawers filled haphazardly as under fire
    i made the trips of boxes high
& call upon those vanished files those lapsed records
   here at the edge of something worse

October Night.

"The two of them trekked · untraveled country:
wolf-haunted heights · and windy headlands,
the frightening fen-path · where falling torrents
dive into darkness, · stream beneath stone
amid folded mountains."

--Sullivan & Murphy's Beowulf (reminded by a quote from a different translation in Chapter 11 of Caitlin Kiernan's Threshold [2001])

The Eye of Odin.

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